magicADDOLO iMagix LED Screens

LED display screens for community movie nights, concerts, festivals, and commercial events

Wedding LED screens


Benefits of Using LED Screens for Wedding

  • Excellent Visual Effects:
    The marriage LED screen with a high refresh rate and high resolution plays videos with the best images or videos. Visually impactful images leave a profound impact on guests.
  • Brightness:
    Whether it is an indoor or outdoor wedding scene, the different brightness of LED screen for wedding ensures that the audience can see the screen content.
  • Flexible Size & Area:
    The wedding LED display is flexible in size and area. According to factors such as the venue size and layout of the wedding venue, the LED screen can be spliced into any size at will.
  • Versatility:
    LED screen for wedding is an important video communication medium for the wedding stage. In addition to displaying wedding photos, blessing videos, etc., it can also serve as an important platform for information transmission and guest interaction.
  • Supports Multiple Signal Inputs:
    Multifunctional LED video walls generally support DVI, HDMI, VGA, and HD-SDI interfaces. The operation is simple and convenient.


What Can LED Screen Do for Your Wedding?

  • Play Wedding Video
    • During the wedding ceremony, LED screens show dynamic and static images matching the wedding links.
    • These materials include wedding photo albums, blessing videos recorded in advance by relatives and friends, wedding reception videos, etc.
    • Through the clear picture of the marriage LED display screen, the audience present can sigh for the beautiful love. Guests can feel the joyful atmosphere in every aspect of the wedding.
  • Create Dreamy Wedding Atmosphere
    • The combination of LED screen and stage lighting makes the entire stage become the visual center of the scene.
    • High-definition screens and colorful lights make the scene environment more gorgeous.
    • In conjunction with the wedding process, LED screens can make the wedding more touching through more exquisite backgrounds, giving guests perfect visual enjoyment.
  • Show More Wedding Details
    • The large LED screen is connected to the camera equipment at the wedding site.
    • Through the presentation of wedding details on the LED screen, guests can see the details of the wedding more clearly.
    • It makes the wedding more watchable. For large wedding banquets with many guests, wedding LED screens allow more people to feel involved in the wedding ceremony.

