magicADDOLO iMagix LED Screens

LED display screens for community movie nights, concerts, festivals, and commercial events



Introduction to LED screen trailer

Introduction to LED screen trailer


LED screen trailer is a creative LED display which can appeal to many indoor and outdoor activities. Many customers are very interested in this product, thus this article is all about Light Emitting Diodes which can be used in many activities.

Led Display Trailer is an efficient choice when you often set up your screen in different locations likewise, it is the most cost-effective option available and is very useful to the users.

This is very useful in commercial and practical use when it comes to digital media but when it comes to the concept most people do not understand the concept of its application usage scope to understand the concept.

As the most experienced digital LED screen trailer manufacturer, MOBO Trailer has collected many victorious customers and experienced employers so it may lead to our successful victory in building the trailer-mounted screen for events.

The way our workers make products saves time duration and as well as cost-effective when it comes to customer experience. And the main reason to choose our LED screen trailer is quick preparation time and affordability.

Portable Marketing Approach:

These LED screen trailers mounted in public places can give people a more profound brand impression than Internet ads videos. The most important role of LED screens in Mobile has been proven to be one of the most admired to market seller’s products. To be simple, you can use the LED screen on vehicles to serve the following customers. This shows a positive impact on user experience.

Building outdoor screens is really old-fashioned in various places with different connections. But these LED screens will greatly help your working state of setting outdoor screens for movies. This display trailer provides the facility of high and low brightness according to the timings. And these trailers have higher brightness than a projector.

Time Saving Led Display:

  • Before the 21st century curtains were used in traditional activities that took much time to build. But billboard trucks save construction and reduce time with great effort and convenience through digital media.
  • It also has no locating problems limited to the geographical area, it can be taken to any area publicly and to the targeted audience within a limited time duration at streets to business districts according to customer needs.
  • It has a good visual effect with an LED colour screen used for good sight impact. It is also very attractive, which has an amazing and mesmerizing advertising effect.

Why Billboards on Trailer:

The billboard trailers are the powerful rising products of the LED industry. These billboards are portable and can take to anywhere you like to move along with different sizes for the customer’s relief. This modern technology helps in modern communication and led advertising devices that connect to large-scale LED display products. This mobile LED has a bright outdoor visual contact to the viewers that has a fascinating impact on the viewers, with the real-time display for graphics and diverse content.

LED billboard trailers, can be used for the promotions of brand products, sports, and concert events, for trolling the brand guidelines, and for many brand advertisements of business locations, communities, parks, restaurants, etc. In this way, the advertisement reaches a target audience in a short time with large access.


There are many advantages and applications of LED screen trailer which includes many ways:

  • Mobile trailer billboard
  • Business meetings and training
  • Sports podcast
  • Wedding functions
  • School open day
  • Charity and NGO activities
  • Brand promotions……

And many other unlimited advantages that hold a comfortable impact on users.


LED Screen Trailer are the biggest and most innovative network of advertising trucks, that take your brand and message to multiple places at the same time, covering all states in the major international countries, with dynamic and multimedia content, while engaging consumers in your digital channels, through our Outdoor advertising.

 LED screens on trailers to the revolutionary GPS Tracking, automatic geotargeting, availability of high-speed internet, serving online ads, and high-power audio, so if you are trying to revolutionize the marketplace, the best way is with modern truck billboards.


Digital trailer advertising billboards help you to get your message/brand/event to those who it will most impact, when they are ready to hear or see it, and where they are best situated to see it.


Mobile Digital Billboard Trailer: The Ultimate Guide of Business Application


Mobile LED display trailer is a creative LED display which can be applied in many indoor and outdoor activities. Unlike operating utility trailer s or food cart trailers, LED screen trailer has its own business area especially outdoor advertising and events. Many customers are very interested in this product, but they don’t have a complete concept of its application scope. Would you want make more money with the led billboard trailer?

As famous billboard trailer manufacturer, we have collected many successful customers’ experience and cases of operating led display trailer. Through the following successful applications, you will learn how to use and make more money with portable LED sign trailer.


Outdoor concert

Mobile digital billboard trailer is your best partner for holding outdoor concerts in your city. Our customers have applied two 5m by 3m trailer LED billboard in an Australia outdoor concerts. The result is amazing. These two trailers has played a very good visual effect.

You can use the LED signs on trailers as the main stage background in music festivals and concerts. What’s more, you can locate trailers on both sides of the stage. The audience will have a better visual experience, and the trailer will create more charming atmosphere.

MB-5 mobile LED display broadcasting in live musical festival

Your LED display can provide warm-up video before the concert starts. Audience will mot feel bored while waiting for the concert begins. More importantly, the mobile LED billboard display can do live broadcast and expand the visual space of concert performance. This can make your activities more high-end, rich in visual and artistic elements. You will hold a successful outdoor stage performances, concerts and music festivals.

We suggest that you reasonably set the rental price of the mobile digital billboard trailer. You will become a long-term partner of many outdoor small and medium size concerts, and you will have loyal customers in the city.


Brand promotion

Brand promotion is one of the important sources of income for your mobile LED screen trailer. You can use it to serve food and beverage, telecommunication, bank insurance, hotel, health care, education, sports and other enterprises and brands.

mobile led video screens can help brands or enterprises to find right marketing methods in the competitive business environment and build the link between consumers and brands. As long as you put the trailer near to the potential customers, the mobile LED screen trailer can attract consumers’ attention with attractive texts, animation and product ads videos.

MOBO MB-5 mobile LED display plays advertising on street

The trailer mounted led screen in public places can give people a more profound brand impression than Internet ads video. Mobile LED screen trailer has been proved to be one of the most perfect solution for product marketing. To be simple, you can use the LED screen on wheels to serve the following customers:

1. Beer and beverage
2. Fast food
3. School
4. Automobile
5. Real estate
6. Furniture
7. Banking and insurance
8. Home appliances
9. Games
10. Telecommunication
11. Cosmetics

Outdoor Movie

Your mobile digital billboard trailer has more advantages than traditional projectors for outdoor movie. In many countries like United States, people are happy to enrich their lives by watching open-air movies. Lying on the sofa at home or watching a movie in a theater seat is no more romantic.Instead, some groups usually gather audiences on the Internet and arrange for them to meet in parks, empty parking lots or other public places to watch open-air movies.

Most movie are played by projectors, which can only work in the evening. If you want to watch a movie at day time, you have to go to the cinema. Enclosed spaces are not comfortable. Mobile LED movie trailer is a good solution to solve such a problem. You can put the trailer anywhere you feel comfortable like a square, a beach, or a park space.

MOBO MB-10 LED screen trailer attending outdoor event

You can use MOBO MB-15 trailer or larger trailer mounted led screen for outdoor movies. The trailer can be ready to play movie in 15 minutes. You do not need to build outdoor screens in various places. This will greatly improve your working efficiency of setting outdoor movies. The trailer screen has much high brightness than projectors. And the trailer can not only work in the daytime, but also can lower brightness and work in the evening. With MOBO MB-16 LED billboard trailer, you will get more outdoor movie activities as a priority.

Sports Broadcast

Sports events are one of the most common activities with MOBO LED sign trailer. You can use the portable led signs to display the rolling timing of the game in real time. You can carry out live video to display the results of the match. You can manually switch text, pictures, animation, live images.

In many countries, outdoor sport matches are becoming more and more popular. Many indoor gymnasiums are not easy to construct large size display screen considering fixed installation and more wiring works. There are also many sites that have no way to build LED display. Sometimes, it is even difficult to build a temporary LED display.

Now the advantages of your portable advertising signs on wheels can be reflected. Due to its small size and small footprint, your mobile electronic sign boards can be used in any sports event you want. For example, you can use the portable electronic billboard trailer for horse racing, boating, UAV, basketball, football, diving, swimming and so on.

MB-12 mobile trailer in outdoor sport

Portable electronic billboard trailer has high brightness, clear and visible videos under strong sunshine. It is also moisture-proof, anti-corrosion and heat dissipation. You can use this trailer which adapts to the possible humid, rainy and high-temperature weather. The portable electronic sign board trailer has an audio interface and it can be combined with the audio in the venue. You can also use its own audio to achieve the function of audio-visual synchronization.

MOBO led mobile trailers has been widely used in the sports industry. It can fully meet the functional requirements of most live sports broadcast. You can carry out outdoor live broadcast, transfer TV signals, and even use software to edit some live sports video programs. It has more advantages than the traditional fixed installation outdoor LED screen and rental LED display.

MOBO MB-10 led screen trailer is broadcasting in football match

Seaside Entertainment

Seaside activities are becoming more and more popular. Many people like to lie on the beach, enjoy the sunshine, and relax themselves. However, you can not easily set up LED screens on the side of the beach due to special terrain constraints such as soft sands. In addition, you have to solve the problem of continuous power supply required by the outdoor display.

LED display trailer near seaside

By using the mobile led trailer, you will be able to get this niche market business. With galvanized design, the chassis of our MOBO trailers has anti-corrosion function. And the trailer stabilizers are specially designed for the beach to support the whole trailer and LED screen. You can use the on board generator to play the screen. It has small size, light weight and very low noise. The on-board generator can supply electricity for the screen more than 8 hours.

So you’ll be able to provide better visual and auditory experience for tourists on the beach. Whether it’s a movie, a video, or an interactive karaoke, you will bring a lot of fun for tourists with this mobile LED screen trailer.

Business Meetings and Training

A lot of meetings are now held both indoor and outdoor training. Many activities need to quickly build a convenient LED display outside. Traditional outdoor rental LED screen often needs a bracket for fixed installation. It is not convenient for you to relocate the traditional LED screens.

Your mobile led wall trailer can break the boundary between indoor and outdoor, and can move to the place you want to stay at any time. It can be placed in an indoor conference hall, or in an outdoor mobile tent or lawn.

MB-10 mobile led screen for indoor exhibition and meeting

Whether indoor or outdoor, the portable advertising signs can provide better visual effects and transmit various display information. The trailer mounted screen can provide high resolution. Through computer connection, it can display different kinds of file information contents like docs, PowerPoint or PDF. The trailer speakers can meet the audio requirements of most activities. Of course, you can also connect additional professional audio equipment to make your meetings more convenient and efficient.

Charity and NGO Activities

Nowadays, there are various fund-raising activities in every city and some donation or publicity activities conducted by other NGO organizations. Your mobile digital signage is very helpful for these events. It is very important to publicize the theme and purpose of their activities. You shall assist tot show their donations and activities which can help people in need. The trailer mounted digital billboard and audio will work it out.

MB-5 is advertising on public streets

From our customer’s case and feedback, portable billboard sign trailer also play a very positive role in this activity. The cost of LED mobile digital advertising sign trailer is lower than outdoor rental LED display. The mobility of digital sign on trailer also greatly improves the efficiency. What’s more, the structure of the trailer display is also very distinctive. You shall make the most of the content to attract the attention of the audience.

Moreover, these NGO activities and charitable fund-raising organizations often have more than one activity. In different cities and at different times, they will hold a variety of activities and events. They will also be your long-term partners.

LED display trailer for outdoor Government and NGO


You shall not ignore the application of mobile led video wall trailer in weddings. The arrangement of mobile LED screen trailer in the wedding ceremony can be divided into two forms: outdoor layout and indoor layout. The brightness of trailer LED screen can be adjusted to fit indoor lighting. In the outdoor scene, you can place it in the best position to highlight the video or image content to be displayed.

Couples can choose to hold the wedding on the lawn. A three-dimensional arch design is made in the middle. Flowers are installed on both sides. The digital billboard screen shows these photos and videos of the new couple. This will make the wedding more powerful. The guests on site truly feel the happiness and sense of the new couple, then it will produce a great visual effect.

mobile LED trailer for outdoor events

Mobile digital LED billboard trailer has the following advantages in wedding ceremony:
1. Mobile LED billboard can be arranged indoor and outdoor
Mobile LED sign on trailer has good quality in image resolution and definition. Due to its high brightness, you don’t have to worry about whether the wedding is indoor or outdoor. Wedding guests can see it clearly from any place.

2. Portable mobile LED sign trailer can provide new forms of entertainment
Besides playing wedding video, LED signs on trailers can also be used for other purposes such as an interactive display for guests. With the natural eye-catching ability of LED display, the trailer will really attract the attention of guests. The message you want to convey will be seen by most guests at your wedding events.

3. The size of trailer LED display screen can be selected
The advantage of mobile portable LED billboard trailer is that you can customize the size. You don’t have to worry about the size and location. The trailer screen can be built according to the size you need, so as to meet the size requirement from different customers.

4. User friendly, easy to operate
Although the LED display trailer may look complicated, it’s indeed easy to use. You will always have different connection options to choose from, and the screen generally supports DVI, HDMI, VGA and HD-SDI interfaces.

5. Mobile LED display shows a sense of luxury to your wedding
Our mobile LED display trailer has exquisite modeling design with white and sacred color. You use LED trailer to take the wedding event to the next level. In fact, the cost of mobile digital signage display is not as expensive as expected.

6. Provide unlimited creativity for your wedding team
The advantage of using a movable LED display trailer in wedding is high creativity. To make sure your wedding more memorable, you can use MOBO LED video wall trailers to show whatever clients want.

School Open Day

Open Days is very important for school to promote their strengths and give parents an insightful chance to learn about the schools they are considering for their children. You shall make the most of trailer LED advertising signs to attend the Open Day and make it a special event for all families involved.

After you gathered all parents together, you shall have a portable LED billboard display to show all the fantastic work that your school has accomplished. Remember to prepare good video, image, and exciting texts on LED screen to inspire your prospective families. It is the best time to teach them what their child will achieve at your school through the LED displays.

The best place to put the portable electronic sign is beside the stage and in front of the chair seas. The beautiful trailer shape and lifting LED screen can attract parents’ sight. The trailer can improve the quality of the ceremony and make all participants feel exquisite. In this way, you will have a much more meaningful and fruitful Open Day event.

MOBO MB-5 LED trailer in Australia university event

Festival Campaign

When holiday and festival season comes, the streets are full of festival marketing material. Every merchant is trying to get a piece of people’s crazy spending through email, social media, TV ads and other related advertising channels. Mobile led advertising trailer is one of your most competitive outdoor promoting equipment to make money.

Festivals are full of branding and promoting demands. You can use digital advertising signs on trailers for their street promoting campaigns. There are also many dancing performance in small events and big events from government or other organizations. It is also your business opportunity to lease your advertising sign trailer.

MB-10 trailer in Christmas events promoting

MOBO mobile digital LED billboard trailers will be more attractive for many business owner and event planners. Your price will be competitive and you will give them a convenient solution for them to put ads anywhere on the street corner or activity place like parks and plazas.

MB-5 LED display trailer in outdoor small ceremony


Mobile led trailer has a wider range of applications. Besides outdoor concert, brand promotion, outdoor movie, sports broadcast, seaside entertainment, business meetings&training, charity and NGO activities, wedding, school open day, festival, hospital events, our customers continue to explore more creative marketing service for all kinds of industry business owners.

If you are sensitive to the business marketing, you will have more and more business with MOBO high end LED screen trailer. This will grow your business at local and make your service competitive.


Truck LED Display: A New Trend in Outdoor Advertising

With the continuous development of science and technology, it seems to be that the truck LED display screens are more and more popular. As a new generation of information dissemination carriers, truck LED display screens are much more frequent in people’s daily life.

They have crucial functions in information dissemination and advertising. Due to the growth of the advertising market demand and the innovation of advertising delivery methods, LED screen trailers are becoming a hot spot in the LED display industry.

This article mainly brings you some related introductions about truck LED displays.

1. What is the Truck LED display?

The truck display is a kind of LED display screen. The difference from the ordinary display screen is that it is installed on the car and is movable.

Let us define it. It is a flexible device that uses a dedicated power supply, control card, and unit board to display text, pictures, animation, and video on and off the dot matrix. It also can be divided into fixed LED display and rental LED display.

As an independent led display system, its requirements for stability, anti-interference, anti-vibration, waterproof and dustproof are higher than ordinary led display screens installed in fixed places.

The perfect performance of the truck LED display comes from the support of multiple technologies.

For instance, LED technology, GSM/GPRS technology, low-temperature technology, anti-static technology, anti-interference technology, vehicle electronic technology, etc.

With the blessing of these technologies, truck LED display screens can display information on mobile cars and become the new favorite of the advertising industry.

Mobile LED screens for digital advertising1

2. Classification of Truck LED Display

According to different classification standards, truck LED displays can be classified as follows.


(1) Single color LED refers to the function of the display screen to display a single color, generally one of red, yellow, blue, and green.

It frequently works to display advertisements on the roof of taxis. It also shows road signs on the front and rear sides of buses.

(2) Double color LED can display two colors, which is common in the function screen of the bus.

(3) Full-color LED display screen uses red, green, and blue light-emitting lamps, with higher unit resolution and more vivid and rich colors. The LED screen equipped on the mobile LED display trailer is a full-color screen.

Pixel pitch

(1) P6mm: The distance between the lamp beads is 6mm. It is enough for taxi advertising screens. Visual distance: 10-50 meters.

The horizontal spacing is 6mm, the vertical spacing is 7.62mm, and the viewing distance is 30-80m.

(2) P10mm: P10 means the distance between the lamp beads is 10mm. P10 LED  module often appears on bus screens.


3. Advantages of Mobile Truck LED Display

The mobile truck LED display is an extension of the advertising LED screen.

It has a wide range of applications because of its movable nature, such as outdoor information displays, event advertisements, mobile stage backgrounds, and live event scores.

You can find out it on various vehicles, ships, taxis, and other means of transportation. Why are mobile truck LED displays so popular? I will tell you the answer next.

In addition to advertising, the LED display trailer is also very influential at some large-scale events.

Sometimes, the government, social groups, schools, and shopping malls will hold various publicity activities. They need to put up many posters, banners, and slogans.

For one thing, it consumes a lot of paper. For another thing, the city’s image and environment will be very unfavorable after the storm.

The car display can avoid this phenomenon well. A large screen, high-definition picture, with speakers and lighting effects, can improve the atmosphere well.

mobile truck led screen1

3.1 Fast spread and extensive coverage

In the coverage of advertising methods, mobile truck LED display has an absolute advantage.

Compared with other indoor and outdoor fixed installation advertising LED screens, the LED display on trucks is always in motion.

It can broadcast advertising information in real time with the vehicle on the road. The LED display trailer has a stronger advertising communication ability and wider coverage.

3.2 High adaptability

High-quality truck LED display adopts super bright LED module and well-configured IC control system.

You can feel the high adaptability of the LED display trailers according that they can work in various environmental conditions.

3.3 Simple operation

The truck LED display adopts an industrial-grade dual-processing chip-led control system. It can work under 9~36V.

The LED screen has the function of communication fault self-checking. When encountering a fault, it will try to recover by itself, minimizing on-site maintenance.

Whether you are using a computer or a mobile phone, it is very convenient to change information and play videos.

3.4 Simple maintenance

Modular design is easy for maintenance. Display, control, and power supply are designed separately to form LED modules, which are more stable and easier to maintain.


4. Application of Truck LED Screen

Mobile/vehicle LED display screen is easy to move and has a massive audience, which is the best carrier of advertising information.

With the diversification of customer requirements, the solutions of mobile LED displays have also become more diverse.

Before long, we knew the classification of truck LED displays. The range of applications and classifications mentioned here have something in common.

The display modules used for different purposes are also not familiar. You can choose a suitable one according to your actual needs.

4.1 Rear window LED display

Generally, single and double color LEDs are suitable modules to display text and play advertising information. They are on the rear windows of taxis, buses, or other vehicles.

4.2 Roof LED Display


The display screen is on the roof of the taxi. On the one hand, it plays the role of taxi lights to increase recognition at night.

On the other hand, it is helpful to increase the penetration of advertisements in the city.

The LED screen can also display text advertisement information. As a mobile advertising carrier, it can bring unlimited business opportunities at a low cost.

4.3 Mobile LED display truck

It often plays a role in advertising, public welfare promotion, touring performances, etc. The full-color LED screen on the truck is beneficial.

It can display text information and colorful pictures, videos, and other content. Relatively, its price is more expensive than the previous two kinds of taxi and bus LED displays.

The modified LED display has stable performance. The size and specification of the display screen can be customized according to the different needs of customers.

This LED display is like a moveable billboard display screen. Advertising investors spend less cost and can reap better benefits.

4.4 Bus LED display

The bus is a crucial means of transportation in the city, and there are many routes. Install LED displays on the bus body and rear.

For one thing, provide ride information to passengers. On another thing, beautify the appearance of the city and show the beautiful image of the city.

There is more than one LED display inside the bus. In addition to a display screen dedicated to displaying bus stops in real-time, there is also a display screen dedicated to playing advertisements.

This approach maximizes the advertising benefits of the bus. The LED display screen can wirelessly obtain timely news, weather forecasts, advertisement information, and other content.

Not only does it provide a great ride experience for passengers, but it also brings significant benefits to operators.


5. Take Spark Video Trucks as an Example

Take the spark 8 series as an example, let’s get to know this mobile LED display truck.

The body of this product is huge, and the area of the LED display is larger than that of the previous series.

The outdoor LED display with a pixel pitch of 3.9mm has a good display effect and can display high-definition picture quality.

All Spark video trucks have edge-to-edge rear displays, but the 8 Series rear view is on top. The developers designed a hidden door system with no visible frame, maximizing the LED display area.


818 Premium P3.9

LED Technology

3.9 mm SMD

Display Dimensions

Side Screens

18ft 1in W x 8ft 2in H

Side Aspect Ratio


Back Screen

6ft 7in W x 8ft 2in H

Back Aspect Ratio



Side Screens (pixels)

1408 x 640

Side Total Pixels


Back Screen (pixels)

512 x 640

Back Total Pixels




6000 cd/m2

Brightness Adjust

Roof mounted brightness sensor with automatic dimming and manual override



LED Control System

Video processor

Spark Media Processor

External source inputs

4 HDMI, 4 USB3, 4 USB2

Video switching

15” cab mounted touchscreen display controls Spark Mojo system. Switch content playing on any on-screen zone to a different source. Easily adjust content and sound level during live special events

Media player

Spark Mojo Player 5.0 (internal), optional external media players (HDMI) or most Windows based media control systems


6 content zones: each truck screen can have two independent zones of content, all with different source of media


Spark A2 audio system. 2400 watt (4 Ohms) digital amplifier, 8 marine grade speakers, sound enhancing speaker enclosures, wireless microphone system

Power Consumption

Maximum watts

21125 watts (pure white image, max brightness, all screens)


Tier 4 diesel 30kW, 30000 watts capacity

External power

Optional 220V 50A transfer switch with external twist lock shore power connector


6. Special Requirements for Truck LED Display

It is different from the ordinary LED display installed in a fixed place. The reason is that the truck LED display is installed on the vehicle and the vehicle often moves. The following requirements are required for the installation. 

(1). The truck is prone to generate static electricity during operation, especially in autumn when the static high voltage can reach thousands of volts. Without good anti-static measures, it is easy to damage IC and LED lights.

(2). The power supply on the vehicle is supplied by the battery. The vehicle will generate high pulse voltage when starting, braking and stopping. If the power supply system is not good, the display screen will be burned.

(3). LED attenuation characteristics: LED brightness is attenuated, with a 10-70% attenuation rate in a year. The brightness of half-year with poor quality is reduced by half, making it impossible to see the display clearly.

(4). In the north, trucks are usually placed outdoors. The temperature may reach – 40 ℃ in winter and 60 ℃ in summer, which requires the power supply and display components to work at a wide temperature.

(5). Appropriate brightness. If the LED display is not bright enough, it will not be visible in the daytime, and the significance of installing the display is lost; If it is too bright, it will affect driving.

(6). The truck is always moving, and the stability and reliability of electronic products are highly required.7. Common features of the truck LED display screen include appearance and size. Led display with 2 or 3 sides.


7. Configuration of Mobile LED Advertising Truck

The truck LED display is an associated product after the rise of the LED display industry. This product combines a van with a large LED display for mobile advertising.

Generally speaking, mobile LED advertising vehicles are composed of four main parts: vehicle chassis, LED display screen, power supply system, and operating system.

7.1 Vehicle chassis

The design of the chassis has fully considered the effect of temperature on the working of the truck LED display.

The bottom of the car is a U-thumb floor. The interior uses high-temperature resistant aluminum, and the middle interlayer uses polyurethane foam insulation.

When the outdoor temperature is too high or too low, it will not affect the operation of the equipment inside the vehicle.

7.2 LED display screen

Different models of advertising vehicles use dissimilar LED display models. However, they also have some similarities. For example, the full-color LED screen is popular for mobile LED advertising trucks.

They are full of three-dimensional sense and have a strong visual impact. This unique way of advertising is more likely to attract people’s attention.

The LED display system and the body installation use multiple rubber blocks with good vibration damping performance to buffer the vibration caused by the body movement.

The exterior of the display is protected by plexiglass, which has waterproof protection and unique anti-ultraviolet performance for the LED display system.

Moreover, a double-sided LED screen is a good choice for a truck. The LED screen cabinet is light in weight, stylish and simple in appearance, ultra-thin and beautiful, and supports a split-screen multi-screen display.

The double-sided screen developed by UNIT LED adopts front maintenance, a simple structure, and convenient installation.

truck led display

7.3 Power supply system

The whole vehicle has two independently controlled power supply systems, DC and AC.

Firstly, the 220V power supply system in the work area supplies power to the corresponding sockets and lighting circuits.

Secondly, the vehicle’s 24V system ensures driving. The AC 220V circuit is specially working for LED display equipment.

The cabin door of the generator is specially designed with an air inlet grille to ensure the generator’s heat dissipation and ventilation.

7.4 Operating System

There is audio playback equipment synchronized with the LED display screen under both sides of the body.

The strong effect produced by the combination of sound and vision effectively conveys the advertising message to the target customers while leaving an unforgettable impression.

8. Conclusion

This article mainly introduces the truck LED display. Truck LED display has many advantages. For example, it is not restricted by geographical environment and has good mobility. It can be displayed, communicated, and interacted on the spot, and has a wide range of publicity. They can effectively obtain the maximum advertising effect.


How Trailer Outdoor LED Screens Make Your Event Better

henzhen NSELED Co.,Ltd. - LED display solutions 

1. Increased Awareness

Getting your brand out there can be challenging because it is the first step toward acquiring an audience and helping them understand and become loyal to your brand. Recognition is one of the major drives for building customer trust and increasing sales, and when it is ruined, it can be difficult to get back on the audience’s good books. 

The size and display quality of outdoor LED screens used for tailgate displays stand out, grabbing attention and creating awareness about your brand, product, or event. The signage design and configuration make it easier for attendees to find your event and remember the brand associated with it.

2. Content and Display Customization

Aside from increasing brand awareness and visibility, LED outdoor signs for tailgating events support screen and content customization. Whether you want a small, medium-sized, or large outdoor display, or you want an aluminum, stainless steel, or iron cabinet material for additional protection, outdoor LED screen manufacturers offer options to suit every customer’s needs.

You can even decide to get a higher-resolution display or a flexible LED screen that can fit into any architectural building design. In addition, there is no limit to the kind of content you can display. Whether it’s an animation, high-quality graphic, image, or video, these LED screens can be designed to meet all your display requirements. 

3. Attract More Business

Besides businesses and event hosts, most outdoor LED screen buyers offer tailgate TV service in their communities or states to give residents firsthand access to live sports events, festivals, or concerts. If you run a tailgate display service or are planning to start one, there are many opportunities for making money awaiting you. 

For starters, offering this solution with a high-performance tailgate outdoor LED screen as a business gives you access to a wider audience and these viewers will gladly pay a fee to watch their favorite team or musicians perform. Aside from that, local businesses may decide to advertise their products with you, opening up opportunities for more meaningful collaboration and increased return on investment. 



4. Enhanced Visibility

So much goes into finding and retaining customers and marketing is one of the strategies businesses use to get new clients. However, customer acquisition has become quite expensive, with a record of companies spending well above $30,000 yearly only on advertising. Enterprises spend this much on advertising because the more visible you are, the less you’ll have to work to convince people to buy from your brand. 

So, how can display technology help you achieve lower ad costs and higher sales? Tailgating LED signs outdoors, are designed with high brightness levels and the ability to showcase a better representation of your original content. This enhanced functionality ensures that your audience has a memorable experience. With this, you’ll successfully create a lasting impression that will further increase your brand visibility among their peers.

5. Increased Sales

As discussed earlier, outdoor LED screens for tailgates increase sales, but how can you get your viewers to the buying stage using your TV tailgate setup?  You can do that by displaying your products, services,  offers, special discounts, or any upcoming event, boosting sales during tailgates. 

For example, if you own a restaurant and are hosting an outdoor tailgate event, while the audiences are being entertained, you can display interactive menus, new dishes, new dining space, and other promotional content on the screens; this will encourage attendees to make purchases, contributing to higher revenue.

6. Higher Customer Engagement

No one wants to attend a boring party, and those who avail themselves of such events tend to leave earlier than intended. Tailgating events are not only for parties; businesses also organize a promotional occasion or a product launch featuring popular musicians to promote a product. During such events, it is advisable to rent a big-screen outdoor TV to add color and life to the setting.

At this point, large outdoor TV screen rental provides a platform for engaging content, such as interactive games, contests, or live social media feeds. This engagement entertains attendees and strengthens the connection between your brand and the audience.

7. Enhanced Viewing Experience

Tailgate events are often associated with sports and entertainment. When musicians host concerts, during occasions like movie premiere occasions, or when displaying a live sports event in the neighborhood outdoor LED sign boards for tailgates come in handy. They elevate the audience experience and keep viewers engaged and entertained.

8. Consistent Content Display 

One of the biggest upsides of the outdoor tailgating LED screen is its ability to withstand prolonged exposure to various weather conditions. This means that you can showcase your content and host parties and movie nights no matter the weather or lighting conditions because it is built to function even under unfavorable environments. 




1. What Type of Outdoor Advertising is Best?

All outdoor advertising examples are effective. However, the best one for your business or event will depend on your advertising message, budget, industry, and audience. For instance, a hotel, holiday destination, or agency selling travel-related products or services will opt for aircraft advertising since their audience is tourists and travel lovers.

On the other hand, a betting platform, an alcoholic brand, a fintech company, or a business with a robust marketing budget and an audience between 18-40 may opt for stadium advertising since their audience is either football or concert lovers. Also, outdoor billboard advertising suits local businesses, real estate companies, car dealers, and travel companies.

2. Which Outdoor Advertising Is the Most Effective?

While many argue that billboard advertising is the most effective outdoor advertising, it is untrue. Outdoor billboard advertising and other types of out marketing are effective, including 3D and POS ads. Therefore the most effective outdoor advertising varies, depending on your target audience, location, ad message, and the expected results.

3. What Type of Board or Display Technology Is Best for Outdoor Advertising?

The best board or display technology perfect for your advertising needs will depend on your business, ad content, location, budget, and the results you want to achieve. Printed banners will do if you are creating awareness or directions to your store in a remote location. 

Also, if you are on a tight budget, wallscapes, and printed banners can help you achieve maximum results. On the flip side, if you want to reach thousands of people, 3D or large billboard advertising or stadium advertising is the best option because they are highly visible, hence their ability to reach a wider audience. 

Also, street furniture advertising, outdoor advertising mobile, and outdoor digital advertising displays reach a large audience and still make your ad more engaging and memorable.

