magicADDOLO iMagix LED Screens

LED display screens for community movie nights, concerts, festivals, and commercial events

Smart City LED Screens



Why using mobile LED screens for smart city?

  • Urban traffic management in an orderly manner
    • The demand for “digitalization” in smart transportation construction is getting higher and higher. The collection and processing of data can induce traffic and provide pedestrians with an excellent guiding role. The LED traffic display provides drivers with the latest traffic information and urban emergency information, significantly improving traffic problems.
  • Good urban public service experience
    • With the development of society, people rely more on technology. The integration of LED display and other technologies brings together more intelligence and improves the experience of urban public services, such as immersive experience in unmanned hotels, unmanned sales stores, museums and science and technology museums, Introduction to tourist areas, etc.
  • Improve city safety
    • The construction of an intelligent security monitoring system is also an important part of constructing a smart city. It integrates public security and social monitoring resources and establishes a grass-roots social security comprehensive management information platform. Security monitoring needs.
  • Convenient life for all
    • The LED light pole screen of the smart city can play not only multimedia content such as audio, video, pictures, and text but also broadcast convenient services. It can monitor the video information of the driving road, display the temperature, humidity, wind speed, and other environmental conditions of the day, and make corresponding living and production responses. People are very fast in obtaining information, which is convenient for life.

